Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

4340 E. Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85711

How to Celebrate Your Pet During Pet Appreciation Week

Pet owners know that loving and caring for their pets is second nature. No matter how many pets you have or what kind of animals they are, you find new ways to love and care for them with each passing year. June 4-10 is Pet Appreciation Week, which is just another chance for you to show your pets how much you love having them in your life. Here are a few ways you can celebrate your pet during Pet Appreciation Week:

Surprise Him with a New Toy

Not all pets like to go outside, and some can’t be taken on walks or runs. But almost every pet likes to play with toys. Surprise your pet with a new toy, and spend some extra playtime together during the week. 

Fix Him His Favorite Meal

You shouldn’t make a habit of feeding your pet human food, but every once in a while it’s okay to give him a treat. Make sure you avoid food and drink that is dangerous or toxic to pets. Ask your veterinarian what they recommend as a special meal or treat for your pet–this will depend on the type of pet you have. For a dog, it might be lean meat, pumpkin, and green beans. For a cat, tuna or salmon. 

Get a Special Treat

Another great way to show your pet how much you care is to surprise him with a new kind of pet treat. Again, make sure it isn’t something that is unhealthy for your pet, and only give him the treat in moderation. Get a frozen pup cup for your dog, or chewy fish treats for your cat.

Schedule Your Annual Veterinary Visit

Your veterinarian should see your pet at least once a year to make sure he’s in good health. Pet Appreciation Week is the perfect reminder for scheduling that annual check-up. Your veterinarian will make sure your pet is up to date on his vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and heartworm medication. He will assess his overall health, screen him for diseases and health concerns, and make sure that his dietary and nutritional needs are being met. 

Call your veterinarian today to schedule your pet’s annual health screening.