If your dog becomes infested with fleas or ticks, he will not only be itchy and uncomfortable, but he
might also be at risk for infection and disease. Using flea and tick prevention methods can keep your
dog safe, healthy, and comfortable in and out of your home. Here’s a look at the best flea and tick
prevention for dogs:
Oral and Topical Flea and Tick Prevention
If you want to administer at-home flea and tick medication, you can choose between oral and topical
flea and tick prevention medications. Oral flea and tick prevention medications are available over the
counter in pill or chew form, and last for up to several months at a time. Topical flea and tick
prevention medications come in a tube containing a gel-like substance that you apply directly to your
dog’s skin. It is usually applied on the dog’s neck, or on his back near his tail. You need to make
sure your dog doesn’t lick off the medication or rub it off of his skin.
Treatments for Your Home and Yard
You can also use flea and tick prevention methods in your home or yard. There are sprays available
that will kill fleas and ticks in your yard and prevent future infestations. Make sure you read all
instructions carefully and that the spray is safe for use around animals and children. These sprays
will kill other insects in your yard, and may also kill plants. You can also get treatments to use in your
home to prevent fleas and ticks. Make sure you know where and how to use them to protect your
pets, family, and belongings.
Prescription Treatment for Fleas and Ticks
Your veterinarian can prescribe flea and tick prevention medication for your dog. He/she will
consider your dog’s age, weight, size, overall health, environment, lifestyle, and risk level when
prescribing a flea and tick prevention medication.
If your dog is still itching and scratching even after using flea and tick prevention methods, or if you
think he has developed a skin infection, please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.