Cats, just like any other pet, needs regular care from the veterinarian including dental exams and cleanings. Dental disease is one of the most common diseases seen in cats which can lead to long-term health problems, pain, and difficulty eating. To better maintain your kitty’s oral health, follow these guidelines for preventative feline dental care.
Home Oral Care
Not many cats will tolerate brushing their teeth, if you have a rare cat that will tolerate brushing, remember to focus on the tooth surfaces next to the lips. Trying to open their mouth and get the surface next to their tongue risks injury to you and possibly your cat. Dental wipes are often better tolerated than a brush and paste. If you use paste, make sure it is pet specific and doesn’t contain fluoride.
Ask your veterinarian for recommendations on food and treats.
Certain treats and varieties of cat food are formulated to help keep the teeth clean and healthy. This is the easiest way to facilitate dental health in cats because they are eating anyway. Your veterinarian will make dietary recommendations including dental health as part of the decision. Tartar control treats and water additives are other options your veterinarian may recommend for your cat.
Shop for the right cat treats.
Fortunately, dental care for cats doesn’t always have to be a battle. Ask us about cat treats that can help reduce plaque and tartar in your cat’s mouth.
Encanto Pet Clinic is your best resource for your cat’s oral care routine. Give us a call at 520-881-3221 to schedule a dental exam or cleaning for your feline friend.