Don’t forget to include your pet when you’re making your New Year’s resolutions for 2023! Creating health and wellness resolutions for your pet in the new year will help you prioritize your pet’s health and stay on track towards his wellness goals. Here are some ideas of health and wellness goals you should prioritize for your pet in the new year.
Regular Exercise and Play
Your pet needs daily exercise and play in order to maintain overall health and happiness. Take your pet for daily walks and play with him daily to make sure he’s getting enough exercise and attention. Watch out for warning signs of boredom, aggression, and anxiety, which can occur if your pet isn’t getting enough exercise.
Proper Diet and Nutrition
Check in with your veterinarian periodically to make sure that your pet’s diet is still meeting his nutritional needs, based on your pet’s age, breed, and overall health. Be aware of signs and symptoms of nutritional deficiencies, such as lethargy, disinterest in food, excessive thirst or drooling, trouble peeing or pooping, diarrhea, overeating or increased begging, and urinary tract infections.
Routine Veterinary Exams
Your pet should visit the veterinarian for a routine examination at least once per year. Senior pets should have veterinary visits twice yearly. During each exam, your veterinarian will evaluate your pet’s weight, coat, eyes, ears, teeth, gums, hearing, mobility, and overall health. Your veterinarian can let you know if you need to make any changes to your pet’s diet or lifestyle based on the results of his examination.
One of the most important wellness goals you should keep for your pet is making sure he visits the veterinarian regularly. If your pet hasn’t had a veterinary visit in the last 12 months, schedule one for him in the new year.